Ribs with Sweet Sauce

Tempo de preparo 20 minutes
Rende até 114 servings (100 ml)
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This Rib with Sweet Sauce recipe was developed for our food service audience


  • 1050g Unique Amazon 70% Drops

Modo de preparo

Rib preparation

In a pressure cooker, place 1 kg of pork ribs, 1 onion in large cubes, 2 bay leaves, 4 cloves, 3 cloves of garlic, 30 g of mustard, 200 ml of dark beer, 300 ml of water and salt to taste. Cook for 30 minutes after taking pressure, place the rib on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven (200°C) for 15 minutes or until it begins to brown.


1. Cook the jabuticabas over medium heat, mash them with a puree masher and stir occasionally, until they get an intense wine color.

2. Pass through a fine sieve and squeeze them well with a spoon.

3. Return this broth to the pan, add the sugar and lemon juice.

4. Cook until obtaining a slightly thick texture, stirring constantly.

5. Turn off the heat, place the pan on a cold surface and add Unique Amazônia 70%. Mix until completely melted and smooth.

6. Serve with roasted pork ribs.


  • O molho tem textura ideal para decorar o prato. Mergulhe um pincel, retire o excesso e desenhe uma longa pincelada no prato.