Chocolate Gift with Brigadeiro and Panettone

Tempo de preparo 1 hour and 20 minutes
Rende até 8 servings
Compartilhar essa receita


  • Brigadeiro
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • ½ box of cream
  • 100 g of Sweet Melken Chocolate

  • Shell and stuffing:
  • 500 g of Top Milky

  • 200 g of panettone or chocotone in pieces

Modo de preparo

Brigadier: In a medium pan, place the condensed milk, the cream, the Melken Half Bitter Chocolate and lead to medium heat for 15 minutes or until when you turn the pan it comes off the bottom, set aside.

Shell and filling: In a medium bowl, place the Top Milky and melt it according to package instructions. Put Top Milky in the bow shapes and take it to freeze. Place the reserved brigadeiro in the pastry bag and fill the bottom of the mold, place a piece of panettone or chocotone and cover with Top Milky and refrigerate until it crystallizes and releases from the mold.

Serve immediately!


  • 2 molds with silicone in the shape of a bow
  • 1 pastry bag
