Cornmeal and Chocolate Cupcake

Tempo de preparo 40 minutes plus baking time
Rende até 20 units
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This Cornmeal and Chocolate Cupcake recipe was developed by Chef Alexandre Bispo live on instagram


    Cornmeal Cupcake Dough:

  • 200g cornmeal (corn flakes)
  • 20g baking powder
  • 100g dry coconut (grated)
  • 100g White Melken Chocolate (melted)
  • 50g margarine or unsalted butter
  • pinch of salt
  • 300g of green corn (between 2 or 3 raw ears)
  • 150g crystal sugar
  • 01 egg
  • 140 ml of whole milk
  • 80 ml of coconut milk
  • 50 ml coconut or vegetable oil
  • 50g of condensed milk
  • chocolate disk:

  • 100g coverage TOP Intense or Semi-Sweet flavor
  • Gold or bronze powder dye
  • Creamy White Chocolate Ganache:

  • 300g White Melken Chocolate
  • 150g UHT milk cream

Modo de preparo

Cornmeal Cupcake Dough

In a container mix corn flour, baking powder, grated coconut and set aside.

Separately, melt the White Melken Chocolate, according to the package instructions, and mix the margarine or butter, forming a ganache.

Add the other ingredients and beat in the blender or mixer until you form a cream.

Add the whipped cream to the container with the corn flour, the yeast and the reserved coconut, stir until it forms a single mass.

Place approximately 60 to 65g of raw dough in the large cupcake molds, on a special cupcake baking sheet, let it rest in the room for 10 to 15 minutes to better hydrate the dough and start the fermentation of the cake dough.

Take to preheated oven at 180°C for approximately 20 minutes, lower the oven to 160°C and continue baking for another 10 minutes.

Remove from the oven and let cool, set aside to apply the decoration.

chocolate disk


Melt the TOP Coating according to package instructions.

Let it cool down to around 30 to 33 °C.

Wipe a damp cloth over the table and glue a plastic for food use, always passing a paper towel to better fix it on the table.

With the help of a brush, sprinkle some of the powdered dye over the first plastic.

Place a portion of the melted top cover, cover with another part of the plastic.

With the help of a mini-roller, open the cover, always spreading it as thinly as possible.

When starting the crystallization of the cover, cut several discs with the help of three cutters of different sizes, small, medium and large.

Take it to the fridge to finish the crystallization of the TOP Coverage, forming the discs.

Remove from the fridge and set aside to apply to the decoration of each cupcake.



Melt the White Melken Chocolate according to package directions. Let it cool down to around 30°C, if you prefer, temper the Chocolate.

Mix the cream until it forms a ganache, pass through a mixer or beat a lot with a spatula, thus leaving the creamy ganache.

Take the fridge for 1 hour and hit the mixer.

Place the ganache in a “pastry bag fitted with a plain tip”.

Apply a large dot of ganache over each cupcake.

Place the first large disc of chocolate.

Apply a second dot of the ganache over the first disc.

Then place the second medium chocolate disc.

Finish with a third ganache dot and a third small chocolate disc.


  • O milho verde fresco pode ser substituído pelo produto em conserva. A farinha de milho utilizada na receita é o (flocão de milho - fubá) é a mesma que faz cuscuz no Nordeste, aquela que tem uma textura de flocos.


  • Saco plástico de uso alimentício
