Bolo de Chocolate Trufado Zero Açúcar

Tempo de preparo 2 hours
Rende até 8 portions
Compartilhar essa receita


    Ganache de Chocolate:

  • 1 kg Chocolate ao Leite Zero Açúcar
  • 300 g Creme de leite
  • Bolo de Chocolate:

  • 100 g de Leite de Amêndoas
  • 50 g óleo de coco
  • 5 ovos
  • 100 g de xilitol ou adoçante culinário
  • 70 g de eritritol ou adoçante culinário
  • 60 g de maltitol ou de edulcorante culinário
  • 5 gemas
  • 50 g farinha de amêndoa
  • 60 g de farinha de arroz integral
  • 30 g de fécula de batata
  • 20 g de doce polvilho
  • 10 g amido de milho
  • 15 g de fermento em pó
  • 7 g de bicarbonato de sódio
  • 1 pitada de goma xantana
  • 30 g de Harald Cacau em Pó
  • Decoração:

  • 100 g de amoras frescas
  • 100 g de mirtilos frescos
  • 200 g de morangos frescos

Modo de preparo

Chocolate ganache: In a large glass bowl, add the Harald Zero Sugar Milk Chocolate and microwave at medium power for 3 minutes or until it melts completely. Add the cream of milk and mix well until it’s homogeneous. Reserve.

Chocolate cake: In a small pan, add the almond milk and coconut oil and bring to a boil. Reserve.

In the bowl of a mixer, place the egg whites, xylitol, erythritol, maltitol and beat until stiff and then add the egg yolks and beat a little more.

Put the almond milk with the reserved coconut oil and keep hitting. Turn off the mixer and add the dry ingredients, almond flour, brown rice flour, potato starch, sweet tapioca, corn starch, baking powder, sodium bicarbonate, xanthan gum and Harald Cocoa Powder.

With a spatula, mix well until all ingredients are incorporated. Place in 4 molds of 15 cm in diameter greased with butter and rice flour. Take to bake in preheated oven at 170° for 25 minutes or until sticking a toothpick it comes out clean.

Once cold, unmould and lightly cut the top of the cakes with a bread knife to level them. Transfer a layer of the cake to the serving dish and add a layer of the chocolate ganache with a spoon or with the help of a pastry bag and continue until the cake bases are finished.

To decorate, melt the rest of the chocolate ganache in the microwave a little to make it easier, be careful not to soften it too much. Spread a thin layer of ganache all over the cake and with a pastry spatula distribute evenly until completely covered and refrigerate.

Decorate with fresh berries and serve!
