Italian Milk Straw

Tempo de preparo 15 minutes
Rende até 109 units of 16 g
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This Italian Straw Milk recipe was developed for our food service audience.



  • 1500g Melken Milk Filling and Topping
  • 75ml Water
  • Stuffing and Topping:

  • 70g cornstarch biscuit
  • 110g powdered milk

Modo de preparo

1. Beat the Melken Milk Flavor Filling and Coverage for 1 minute in the mixer. Add the water and beat until it gains a firmer consistency.2. Spread half the dough into a rectangular shape (40 x 25 x 2 cm) lined with plastic wrap. 3. Make a layer of cornstarch biscuits and cover with the rest of the dough. Let it freeze. 4. With the help of a heated knife, cut 3 cm squares and finish passing through the powdered milk. 5. Pack, label and display.