Shave & Cover: Pasta for Decoration& Cobrir: Massinhas para Decoração

With Scrape & Cobrir, you can make chocolate-flavored pasta and let your creativity loose when decorating!

Passo a passo

making the dough

To make the dough, warm the Scrape & Coat lightly with the heat of your hands or by placing it in the microwave on medium power (50%) for 30 seconds. For every 100 g of Scrape & Coat, mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of Powdered Icing Sugar. With your hands, knead the mixture until it forms a homogeneous and malleable mass. Let rest for 30 minutes. On warmer days, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate to firm up.

colored pasta

Melt the Scrape & Cover. Then add chocolate coloring of the chosen color, pour the frosting onto a plate lined with parchment paper and wait for it to dry. Then, add the powdered sugar and work the dough.

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