Brigadeiro Zero Açúcar
Produtos utilizados
- Condensed milk:
- 1 liter of whole milk
- 100 g of xylitol or culinary sweetener
- Brigadeiro:
- 300 g de leite condensado caseiro sem açúcar
- 15 g of butter
- 30 g of UHT cream
- 100 g cocoa nibs
80 g of Harald Zero Sugar Milk Chocolate
Modo de preparo
Condensed milk: In a medium-high saucepan, place the whole milk, xylitol and lead to medium heat, stirring constantly so as not to stick to the bottom and cook for 30 minutes or until it reduces ⅔ of the mixture.
In the mixer bowl, put the mixture and beat until it cools down completely. Store in a closed container and store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
Brigadier: In a small pan, place the homemade condensed milk, the chopped Harald Zero Sugar Milk Chocolate, the butter, the cream and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly for 10 minutes or until it starts to come away from the bottom of the pan.
Place in a greased bowl and refrigerate for an hour.
To roll the brigadeiros, grease your hands with butter and roll them into medium balls of approximately 15 g and roll them in the cocoa nibs.