Red Fruit Milkshake

Tempo de preparo 10 minutes
Rende até 21 bowls (250 ml each)
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Sobre a receita

This Red Fruit Milkshake recipe was developed for our food service audience.


  • 2100ml iced whole milk
  • 1050ml Ice cream
  • 1,05kg Red Fruit Filling Confectioner

Modo de preparo

1. Cut off a thin end of the Red Fruit Stuffing packaging to have a thin product output. Decorate the sides of 21 milkshake bowls with 30 g of filling each.

2. Beat the milk, ice cream and Red Fruit Stuffing at maximum speed until creamy. If necessary, use a spatula on the walls of the blender jar to mix the ingredients.



3. Pour the milk-shake over the bowls.

4. Garnish with strawberries and serve immediately.